Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Let It Be

After a terribly long two day induction (I could have kissed that nurse anesthetist), Harrison Quinn made his way in to our world at 11:24 p.m. on Wednesday, February 18th weighing 6 lbs 13 oz & measuring 19 inches long. I spent nine (but really like, ten) months wondering what he would be like and dreaming of our first days together as a family. I read way too many pregnancy blogs about all kinds of postpartum woes; exhaustion, baby blues, and the list goes on. Incase you were wondering, yes, being a milk machine is exhausting. But being in a mom is so much better than any blog could have said (or not said, for that matter). This kid is the absolute best. On Sunday, Harrison spiked a 102 degree fever which landed him in the NICU at a hospital a couple hours from home. Today he is one week old and here we sit. Thankfully all of his tests have come back negative, he is gaining weight, and we should be going home in a few days. The first few days we were here I spent a lot of time saying, "this is not how I pictured things." And no, it's still not. But then I'm reminded that things don't always go as planned and I need to be where I am.

So today I'm going to work on just being. Let's set aside our ideas of how things should go or where we wish we were and accept the gift of today. 

Happy one week of life my sweet boy. I am so glad to be here with you today.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

To My Husband

You work long days and still come home with a smile on your face. You cook dinner or do dishes when I'm too tired (because making a human is really a full-time job, people) and don't get angry with me when my hormones take over and I start crying over my disdain for chicken. You drive endless nights to the gas station to buy me Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. You read bedtime stories to my ever-growing bump and when I couldn't feel any less attractive; you remind me that you still think I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. You do all of these things and never complain. You teach me everyday about pure, selfless, unconditional love which is why you'll be the very best father.