Sunday, January 25, 2015


I recently came across the hashtag #webravewomen on Instagram. If you haven't heard of it, We Brave Women is a project that was created in order to inspire women to be vulnerable with one another through personal stories and the fostering of community. This is accomplished by women answering the question "I am brave because ____" and encouraging other women to do the same. The website We Brave Women also shares stories of brave women throughout history.

I love this sort of thing. I think some of the best parts of being human are the ideas of vulnerability and connectedness. I also believe that, as women, we can be easily insecure and competitive with one another and that our best weapon against those feelings is celebrating with each other in the messiness of our humanity.

Here's what I think makes me brave. I am brave because when I found out that my husband and I were expecting our first child, I knew that it meant that I was going to have to close my small business. Being pregnant meant not being able to start my anxiety medication and setting aside my fears in order to be my best self for someone else. It meant admitting I couldn't do things on my own and that I was better near family. Bravery was picking up a seemingly comfortable life and moving twelve hours away even though I hate change. Being brave has required me to take risks and today I'm so grateful for those extra steps in faith.

Let's celebrate our bravery today.

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